
Kate Wisel is the author of Driving in Cars with Homeless Men, winner of the 2019 Drue Heinz Literature Prize, selected by Min Jin Lee. Her fiction can be found in places that include Prairie Schooner, Gulf Coast, Tin House, Adroit Journal, The Best Small Fictions 2019, Redivider (as winner of the Beacon Street Prize), Terrain as winner of the 2024 Editor’s Prize, W.W. Norton’s Flash Fiction America and elsewhere. She is the recipient of the “Poetry on the T” prize and the Marcia Keach Prize. She was a Carol Houck fiction fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and awarded scholarships at the Wesleyan Writer’s Conference, Squaw Valley Writer’s Workshop, Juniper Institute, Writing x Writer’s at Tomales Bay and Methow Valley and elsewhere. She teaches at Carroll University. She is also a screenwriter in the Writers Guild of America and is represented by Stephanie Delman at Trellis Literary Management. For film/TV, she is represented by Hilary Zaitz Michael at WME.